Hello everyone, In this post, you will get MPSC Economics notes which are important for MPSC and other competitive exams. These notes are best for MPSC state service prelims and MPSC subordinate group B and Group C exams.
Economics is having more importance than other subjects because It’s not that easy to remember all the concepts in economics. In the MPSC state service, there are only a few topics of economics in the prelims examination.
What are the economics topics for MPSC state service prelims?
Economic and social development-
Sustainable Development
Social sector Initiatives etc
MPSC Economics Notes pdf download
भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था – मूलभूत संकल्पना
भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्थेची ठळक वैशिष्टे
राष्ट्रीय उत्पन्नाचे मोजमाप
आर्थिक वृद्धी आणि आर्थिक विकास भाग 1
आर्थिक वृद्धी आणि आर्थिक विकास भाग 2
शाश्वत विकास
पहिली पंचवार्षिक योजना
दुसरी पंचवार्षिक योजना
रोजगार व बेरोजगारी
दारिद्र्य निर्मूलण आणि रोजगार निर्मिती योजना Poverty allevation and
लोकसंख्या शास्त्र Demographics of India
समावेशन आणि सामाजिक क्षेत्र पुढाकार Inclusion and Social sector intiative
Further, I will be uploading all the notes on this page so keep in touch with the site.If you wish to see free lectures of all the above notes then follow below given steps
1. Go to the Mpsc Point youtube channel
2. Go to the playlist section.
3. You will see a playlist called economics by MPSC POINT
4. Click on it and watch every video carefully and get everything done.
thank you for being with Mpsc Point, Have a great day.
Are these in English?