Pituitary Gland for MPSC and Other Competitive Examinations

Pituitary Gland: In the human body there are two types of glands.

  1. Endocrine Glands
  2. Exocrine Glands

The pituitary is an endocrine type of gland. Endocrine means inside the blood and exocrine means outside the blood. Endocrine glands create hormones. more examples of endocrine glands are Thyroid glands, Adrenal glands etc. Now, let’s discuss pituitary glands a little more.

Pituitary Gland/hypophysis

The pituitary gland is situated in the brain, This gland is known as Masters Gland.

This gland monitors on other glands in the body and their secretion.

The weight of the pituitary is 0.5 gms.

The pituitary gland is divided into two parts

  1. Anterior Pituitary/Adenohypophysis
  2. Posterior Pituitary/neurohypophysis

Anterior Pituitary

This part secretes 6 types of hormones. These hormones keep control of other endocrine glands and they are known as ‘Tropic Hormones’.

  1. GH (Growth Hormone/STH- Somato Tropic Hormone) : This hormone is responsible for increasing height, Bones and muscle growth.
  2. TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) : Controls the Thyroid gland.
  3. ACST (Adreno Cortico tropic hormone) : Control of adrenal glands in the kidney.
  4. Prolactine or LTH (Leuteotropic hormone) : breast growth, development and milk production.
  5. GTH (Gonadotropic Hormone) : these are two types – FSH (Follicle stimulating hormone and LH (Luteinizing Hormones)
  6. MTH (melanotropic hormone) : Controls the melanin.

Posterior Pituitary

This part secrets 3 types of hormones. these hormones are produced in hypothalamus of the brain and stored in posterior pituitary.

  1. ADH (Antidiuretic Hormone / Vasopressin): Absorbs more water from the DCT and CT part of the nephron.
  2. Oxytocin: This is a birth hormone and milk ejecting hormone.
  3. Coherin: Responsible for contraction of the jejunum of the small intestine.

MPSC PYQ on Pituitary gland

Question Asked in MPSC rajyaseva Prelim examination 2022

Correct Answer Given by MPSC is option (2) : Only A and C.

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